Cursed Past - Dead Friends
Released March 31st
WAR-vllm 043
One year later, Cursed Past follows up the release of Defiled Graves with a second offence of frosty, necrotic Black Metal in worship of undeath and ill will towards humankind.
Leaving behind more obvious homages to formative vampiric influences and beginning to carve out Cursed Past's own disturbing territory, this demo is also more violent, less reasonable and less forgiving overall.
Limited to an edition of 100 clear cassettes.
There is an option to purchase digital download along with the release. I will have to manually send these since the bandcamp is no longer available.. Please be patient, I am only one person. I am charging two bucks to add the digital files, I hope you understand as I am doing this personally and it is a minimal fee for the amount of time it will take me. Thank you for your support.