WAR-vllm 001 TSALAL - Rehearsal 30/07/'19
WAR-vllm 002 Black Abyss - Bestial Consciousness
WAR-vllm 003 TSALAL - Transmutation War
WAR-vllm 004 Prison Hell - MЯCO. VIANDE. FLEISCH. MEAT.
WAR-vllm 005 Vadhakarmadhikaran - Anvastra Svara Sattaragra
WAR-vllm 006 Black Abyss - The Second Level of Hell
WAR-vllm 007 Abraxas Black - Militant Satanic Attack
WAR-vllm 008 DAKINI - PROMO 2020
WAR-vllm 010 Nuclearhammer - War Chronicles: A History Of Obliteration
WAR-vllm 011 Black Abyss - Rite in the Blood Soaked Wormhole
WAR-vllm 012 DUSHKRITI - S/T
WAR-vllm 013 Cursed Past - Defiled Graves
WAR-vllm 014 Dead of Winter - At the Helm of the Abyss
WAR-vllm 015 Butakal/Deklaration/Kontempt - Trisulan Pact: Nusan Terror Extermination Campaign
WAR-vllm 016 Tamei - טָמֵא
WAR-vllm 017 Archaic Malign - Apocalypse Initiatrix
WAR-vllm 018 Flaggelik Kommando 666 - Nihilism Disturbance of the Archaic Mind
WAR-vllm 019 D.N.E. - Inverted Paradox Existence
WAR-vllm 020 Grizzly Fetish / Flaggelik Kommando 666
WAR-vllm 021 Demonic - Eliminator
WAR-vllm 022 Bullet Clenched In Teeth - Stewed, Screwed & Tattooed
WAR-vllm 023 TSALAL - Incarnation of Evil
WAR-vllm 024 ChristInvertion - Embodiment of Goat Blasphemy / Hail Desecration
WAR-vllm 025 অভ্যুথান (Abhyutthan) - Antahkaran
WAR-vllm 026 CULTIVATION OF WAR zine (well underway.. currently on hold)
WAR-vllm 027 Prison Hell - The Dark Science
WAR-vllm 028 KONFLICT - Subjugation I & II
WAR-vllm 029 Tamei - Mercy
WAR-vllm 030 Vulvacult - Creencias Siniestras de Afirmaciones Malditas
WAR-vllm 031 Silence Lashings - The Reality of the Nagual
WAR-vllm 032 Flaggelik Kommando 666 - C.o.r.r.o.s.i.v.e. Sectarian and Obscene Cult to Negativity
WAR-vllm 033 SS-18 - Lost Warheads
WAR-vllm 034 Nuclear Stench - The Spiritual Simulation Chaotical Collapse
WAR-vllm 035 CISTERNA - Festín De Cieno
WAR-vllm 036 CISTERNA - F.U.B.A.R.
WAR-vllm 037 Biological Warfare/TAWAL
WAR-vllm 038 Biological Warfare - 新寄生生物たちの時代 (Neo-Prasitic Age)
WAR-vllm 039 Biochemical Desolation - Imminent Extinction of Human Aberration
WAR-vllm 040 Impious Blood - Exaltatum Daemonium Capra
WAR-vllm 041 Jyotiṣavedāṅga - Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejections & Thermogravimetry Warp Continuum
WAR-vllm 042 Brulvahnatu - Brulvahnutian Rituals
WAR-vllm 043 Cursed Past - Dead Friends
WAR-vllm 045 Kolkata Inner Order/4444 Reich - Impending Insidious
Indo-Asian Imperium
WAR-vllm 047 Black Abyss - Garbhodaka
WAR-vllm 048 TSALAL - Gazing into Psilomelane
WAR-vllm 049 Cremation - Black Death Cult
WAR-vllm 050 Urutau - Nihilistic Paraphilia
WAR-vllm 051 Bullet Clenched in Teeth - Humid Jungle Flashes
WAR-vllm 052 TSALAL - צָלַל
WAR-vllm 053 Cursed Past - Daywalkers
WAR-vllm 054 Tamei - The Freezing
WAR-vllm 055 ABHYUTTHAN - LIVE 2022
WAR-vllm 056 Nuclear Scythe - Global Genocidal Gangrape
WAR-vllm 057 Prison Hell / Abraxas Black
WAR-vllm 058 Archaic Malign / Flaggelik Kommando 666 - Poisoned Minds Towards the Oneiric Fields of Morbid Hallucinations
WAR-vllm 059 Nuclear Scythe / Genocide Hatefuck
WAR-vllm 060 Assassinato / Lustmurder
WAR-vllm 061 Methgoat / Subservient Perversity - Hot Rails, War & Murder
WAR-vllm 062 TSALAL -Encapsulating the Essence of Death to Gain Insight into Rebirth
WAR-vllm 063 Prison Hell - Sex Penitentiary
WAR-vllm 064 Emetophilia - Under the Spell of Supay
WAR-vllm 065 Nirakriti - Vyasiddha Vidya
WAR-vllm 066 Bullet Clenched In Teeth - Submarine Warfare
WAR-vllm 067 Cursed Past - The Return Into Night
WAR-vllm 068 Cave to Hades - Flammable, We are All!
WAR-vllm 069 Indomitor - Triumphus Excelsis
WAR-vllm 072 TSALAL - Mark of the Beast - Live at War on Alberta
WAR-vllm 073 Impious Blood - Karat Kareth
WAR-vllm 074 Tamei - Ossuary
WAR-vllm 075 DISFORTERROR - Omega Atomik Kaos
WAR-vllm 076 DISFORTERROR - 30 Years of Satanik Terror Kaos
WAR-vllm 077 KILOTON - Conquer in Unity
WAR-vellum 078 Tarokulith - Infernal Conquest Unleashed
WAR-vllm 079 Cursed Past / Incestum
WAR-vllm 080 Cave to Hades - Pentatonic Symbolism
WAR-vllm 081 LUCIATION - Obliteration Organs
WAR-vllm 082 BLODFEST - Gastabloss
WAR-vllm 083 Hail Sabbaoth, Rest in Power! (Goatpenis cover tribute comp.)
WAR-vllm 084 Prison Hell - Terraformed Deathscapes
WAR-vllm 085 Tarokulith / Cave to Hades
WAR-vllm 086 Warslaughter - Autocombustión
WAR-vllm 087 Nigrummagia - summa tenebras et reminiscentiam
WAR-vllm 088 Cursed Past - Ancient and Unbound
WAR-vllm 089 Nuclear Wargod - Pandemic War Campaign MMXX-MMXXII
WAR-vllm 090 Luciation - Smeared in Rotten Entrails
WAR-vllm 091 KAPALA - Doomsday Requiem
WAR-vllm 092 Necrodiety - Barrackpura Blood Initiation
WAR-vllm 093 TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble
WAR-vllm 094 Black Abyss - Black Occulted Light
WAR-vllm 095 Tamei - The Unbecoming
WAR-vllm 096 Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem