Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem

$14.50 CAD
  • Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem
  • Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem
  • Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem
  • Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem
  • Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem

Luciation / Cave to Hades - Last Sawmill / Protection Totem

A Danish/Canadian alliance to dangle the beholder into haunted, overlooked crevices of the mind only to then thrust fire into these shadows, igniting cobwebs and burning away self imposed dread through oversaturation of it.

Luciation desecrates sonic and physical spaces once again with two abominable tracks of unsettling fields. Less grinding, blackness in a starker form. Their last songs to be recorded at the infamous Sawmill Studio.

Like an infinite reflection of a mirror in a mirror, tracks based on old channeled tales by D.N.E., inspiring layer upon layer of winding folk morals of stories. Short accompanying poem to the Protection Totem painting contained within.

20 minutes per band.
40 minutes of unseen forces housed in red tapes with black screws.

Limited to 50.

14.50CAD = 10USD, 9.78 Euro

Canadians - The Canadian dollar is going evermore to shit and inflation here is still unconscionable so email me for an order directly if it's cutting you deep too, and I will give you the 14CAD price, since I had to change the prices for this batch to 14.50CAD (which is what now converts to our standard 10USD per copy rate, 9.78 euro)

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