TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble

$14.50 CAD
  • TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble
  • TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble
  • TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble
  • TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble
  • TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble

TSALAL / Abraxas Black - Periapt in the Rubble

Originally planned as a 4 way split years ago, what is left is a periapt in the rubble. This split is a glimmer in the sand seen from a distance, that upon arduously trekking towards it, under the blaring sun, is found to be an artifact of bewildering properties. Soaking in heat and jagged in appearance, yet cold and smooth to the touch.

With lyrics written and bass/drums recorded in 2021, noise track and vocals recorded in 2023, TSALAL finalized a condensed barrage of deathmarch vibrancy. A crushing onslaught of perverse drum/bass dishevelment in militant unison. Despite us having already moved on with the recording of the next full length and EP (out this year), this material holds up fiercely within the scope of our subtle yet exponential growth into neverending audial clarity disguised as shadow.

Unrelenting savagery and spiritual warfare remains in the forefront of power for Abraxas Black. D.N.E. reigns every instrument into oblivion- atonal bombardment shredding, infinite noise walls, unhinged cacophony tied together with bassy barbarity and blast beats.

10 minutes per band.
20 minutes of jagged ruin housed in black tapes with 10 panel insert containing all lyrics.

Limited to 50.

14.50CAD = 10USD, 9.78 Euro

Canadians - The Canadian dollar is going evermore to shit and inflation here is still unconscionable so email me for an order directly if it's cutting you deep too, and I will give you the 14CAD price, since I had to change the prices for this batch to 14.50CAD (which is what now converts to our standard 10USD per copy rate, 9.78 euro)

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